And, I don't get to share the experience with anyone. I don't get to look at someone and say, "Did you hear that?" in response to what clearly sounded like a shriek. I don't have to have that ever-so-slight tension in my stomach when I hear what could be a furry little furry creature in the woods because it might also be some crazed psycho blog stalker who's aiming to snatch my body right off the trail. I don't have to wonder what would happen if I broke my ankle and face-planted right in the middle of a less than well traveled path in the middle of the day with just a few more sips of water. I wouldn't get to hear someone say, "GREAT JOB Dana!" (Well, until I got home and fished for compliments from my darling husband!) I wouldn't get to borrow a towel because I forgot mine and would instead have to drive home slipping and sliding all over a car seat drenched in the evidence of hard work that had oozed from every sweat gland in my body but couldn't evaporate because the humidity is so high it might as well be raining!! And, I wouldn't make new friends who love this sport as much as I do.
Thanks for caring enough, and for being honest enough, to tell me like it is Wendy!! My run today would not have been the same with out you! AND....I don't want to leave out the great running friends I have who kept encouraging me to come out with them. I've been really worried that I couldn't keep up or that I would slow them down. What a GREAT run!!!
Thanks for stopping in, come again soon!
sounds like a great group!