Having said all that...I think it's time for me to try to write up a race recap.
I love reading recaps that other people write that are long and drawn out. It makes me feel like I am there, running the course (usually much faster than I run when I'm in my own body!), experiencing the race through the eyes of the writer/runner. I'm terribly sorry, but I can't write that kind of recap. I don't have the memory to be able to store all the thoughts, sights, sounds, experiences and people I meet along the way in my mind, much less the writing ability to convey those things in a way that would keep you awake much less entertained. But, I would like to record as much as I can so when I start forgetting I can look back on it and relive as much of the experience as I can. (Honestly, I started forgetting before the race was over, so I'm spitting into the wind at best, but I'll still try!)

Our hotel was just a couple of blocks from the start line/expo so after we got checked in we walked over to pick up our "ultimate"ly disappointing goodie bag. I don't know what I expected...probably more samples of junk I'd never use, or coupons that I'd just have to throw away, or trinkets that I'd feel bad about getting rid of but wouldn't be worthy of keeping around. But, I'll admit I was let down by that one little thing.
I had vowed not to buy anything at the expo, excecpt a "meaningful" souvenir to commemorate my first ever half marathon. I chose 13.1 and ENDURE beads for my (fake) Pandora. I should have stopped there, but as we were walking by the Power Balance booth, we were "caught". After an unbelievably convincing demonstration (performed on not only myself, but two of my running buddies and a complete stranger)...all four of us bought silicone wristbands for the low, low price of $25 each (which I'm really glad to see is a discount from the website price). ((And, might I add...The Shaq believes it works, too!))
After we made it out of the expo, it was time for dinner. Since just about anything that tastes good at a restaurant is on my "do not eat" list...going out to eat is not the fun it used to be. Italian used to be my very all time favorite food. I can remember a time in the not so distant past when 13.1 miles would have been a great excuse to belly up to an all-I-could-stuff-in-my-gullet-pasta-bar. I'm still not happy over the fact that with the increase in mileage I can't also increase my consumption of starchy, saucey, garlicy, cheesy Sicilian delights. Well...we went to what smelled like the best Italian place in Nashville, Buca di Beppo...and I ate....salad with plain Jane grilled chicken. Thankfully Speedy has quite a bit of the same allergies as I do so we shared the...uh, yummy...salad (although she got to have a fantastic looking giant meatball). As we munched like rabbits, the rest of our gang got to eat pizza and some fantastic looking/smelling pasta. It was PURE TORTURE.

After making some plays on Words With Friends (I'm "DanaDeBard in case you play), and texting the fam, I laid my wittle head down on the comfy pillow to try to get some shut eye. ...It might have worked if I weren't sleeping with Speedy, in a bed next to MV8r....it was like a bunkin party! We chatted for a while like school girls....until we finally remembered we were running 13.1 miles in less than 12 hours and decided sleep was better than dishing about boys (just barely anyway). Other than the 15 times I woke up worried that I wouldn't wake up with the alarm I got a good night's rest.
I woke up,
As I'm looking at these pictures, I can't even remember that morning. I can't describe to you how different I feel now. I honestly feel like that day was a turning point for me. As if somehow 13.1 miles did something magical....or more likely, I was sleep deprived and don't clearly remember the morning!! Neverthelesss....in my next post I'll try to recap the race. (I won't do a good job of it at all, but I'm going to try anyway.)
Thanks for stopping in, come again soon!
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