Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lucky Number 13!!

WOW...I trained completely by my heart rate this morning.  I didn't look at my times at all after the 10 minute warm up walk.  I ran until my HR went to 175, then walked until it went down to 165.... I just uploaded the data to trainingpeaks and WOW!!  My first run was 2 1/2 minutes long!!  I ran a total of ELEVEN minutes and walked a total of six (not including warm up and cool down) (yes, I went over on my interval running just a couple of minutes).  None of my running intervals were under a minute!!  PROGRESS!!! 

I didn't get enough sleep last night (5 hours--which is about 2 less than I "need") and I could feel it this morning.  But, when I got home I did a 10 minute "G-ball" work out.  That was the first time I've done that "work out" and I can't say that I really felt I got anything at all from it.  The only reason I did that one is because I couldn't find my 10 minute Pilates DVD!!  I know if I had done that work out I would have felt it!  We'll see tomorrow!

I'm really looking forward to the day I can go out and run for an hour.  I used to have my doubts that would ever be possible, but (most days) I don't anymore!  I just have to keep working at it.  It's like any other skill in life, to get better you have to practice.  Chess, writing, golf, strength, math, piano, cooking.......even marriage!!

I have a lot to say today, but no time.  Maybe I can practice my writing skills later!!

Thanks for stopping by, come again soon!

1 comment:

  1. I get tired just doing my 3 to 4 mile Old Geezer daily walk.
    You are a very disciplined young lady. I'm impressed!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog
    I added myself as a follower of your blog
    The next time you visit mine you are more than welcome to become a follower.

    God bless you, Ron


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