Saturday, October 7, 2023

Road to Nice-Week 1 Training Update

 I started training this week...I don't have a plan yet, that's coming, but I started laying the ground work. I want to keep track of how I'm feeling throughout this year and this is just as good a place as any.

Monday was a FULL day because I was subbing spin for 2 classes (9:30am and Noon) plus teaching my own 5:30am spin class and my 8am Aqua class. I threw in some Hotworx stretching. I had planned on going super easy for the 3rd spin class but once I got warmed up I hit it pretty hard. I was feeling pretty good.

Dwayne came home from work early Monday not feeling well so I decided to spend the night in the guest room! He then woke up Tuesday with a fever! I did yoga at home and then went to the pool for a mile swim. 

I'm treating myself like a brand new swimmer. I have been struggling with my swim since the brain disease. I don't know how but I really think it's related somehow...but I've decided that I CAN and I WILL overcome this issue. I just have to swim MORE. I just have to really finalize a training schedule because it does NOT work for me to swim on Monday/Wednesday/Friday before or after Aqua class because either way I'm WORN OUT to the point that either my swim suffers or my class suffers.

I ended up taking Dwayne to urgent care. They tested him for the flu, covid and strep throat. They were all negative but they told him he surely had one of the big three. So I slept in the guest room again...but work up Wednesday with a fever! UGH I got a sub for Aqua and cancelled my noon Spin class and slept pretty much all day. Thursday I ran a mile with Dwayne-we were both feeling MUCH better. The pace was just over 10min with a fast finish (5:30 pace). And we both felt good afterward. It must have been some kind of 24hr bug.

Friday I swam a mile, taught Aqua, then did Hotworx yoga and taught Spin again. I'm pretty sure my BP was down after all of that because I really didn't feel great. This morning it was down to 95/66...

This morning I got my trainer all set up (which took a while) and started the IMNice course....HOLY CRAP...within the first like 5 miles it got up to a 10.8% grade climb!! I am not quite strong enough for that yet. (Not to mention the trainer is inside and we don't have the fans set up yet!) I skipped over to the part that starts going down hill for just a little bit. That was much better!!

Dwayne bought me a VERY NICE new bike that should help me climb better!! It came in this week. I'm a little scared to ride it. At the same time I'm so stinking excited to get on that bike I can hardly wait! They should get it built the first part of the week. 

I've also started losing weight. 

My plan is to get in the best shape of my life this year.🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity!

Thanks for sticking around! :D

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