That feels like exactly where I'm at...getting knocked down, getting up again only to be knocked down again.
Back on May 14th (so that's like 26 days ago) I had a Medial Branch Nerve Ablation. Basically some nerve endings in the vertebrae of my neck were burned. The doctor told me my symptoms would get worse for a bit then gradually go away. Thankfully that has been my experience! There have been some days I have NO PAIN (or even discomfort) at all! I have been able to run a decent 5K and a PR 10K. I even had a few "good" swim workouts.
And then...I started getting sick. I'll spare you the run down, but I actually started noticing it a week ago Thursday. But, come on. I JUST started training again. This happens every time and I know it. When I start buckling down my body revolts a little. This time it revolted a lot. I finally took myself to the doctor and found out I was probably on the verge of walking pneumonia!! She said it wasn't there yet, but all things considered, if I had continued to ignore things that's where I would probably have wound up. Who knows if my body could have fought this off if I had rested more in the beginning. ((If I'm being honest I would probably say it could have, but I'm going to stick with

However...I get knocked down, but I GET UP AGAIN!! I'm starting to feel human again (at least a little bit). I'll start (again) on Monday. This is a serious exercise in patience and in relentless forward movement. Sometimes that looks like stillness, but the truth is I'm just recharging so I can put more effort into my "forward"!
Thanks for stopping by...come again soon! :D